domingo, 15 de abril de 2012


On April 10, 1912, the Titanic embarked on its maiden voyage, sailing from Southampton, England, to New York City. One of the largest and most luxurious passenger liners at the time, the Titanic was also considered by many to be unsinkable. On April 14, however, the ship struck an iceberg, and early the next day it sank. About 1,500 people perished. Because of the tragedy, the Titanic became the best-known ship in the world, capturing the public imagination and inspiring popular books and movies. But there are a lot of unknown details about this true story. Click on the link below and leave me the answers to the questions in a comment!

1. What were the nicknames of the Titanic?
2. What did the first-class passengers have for dinner that night?
3. Why did the ship have only 20 lifeboats instead of 48?
4. How many pets were rescued from the Titanic?
5. What were the most luxurious facilities of the ship?

Titanic Trivia

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