jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2022

Dances around the world


In this post I'd like you to learn about some curious dances from all over the world. Click on the link below to watch the video attached. Then, leave a comment answering these questions.

1. Are you good at dancing? Why? Why not?

2. In your opinion, which is the most difficult dance? And the easiest?  Explain 

3. Would you like to try any of them ? Explain 

4. What does a person need to be a good dancer? Use the video to help you.

Dances around the world

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2022

Flamenco Day

On 16th November, we'll be celebrating Flamenco Day one year more. In this post I suggest you to read an article about one of the most famous Flamenco singers: Camarón de la Isla. You'll learn about his life and how he became a legend. Then, leave the answers to the questions in a comment as usual.


 1. Where can you find the museum about Camarón de la Isla? 2. What was his real name? 3. Who was the first person to support him as an artist? 4. How many albums did he release? Which was the title of the most relevant one? 5. Did he win any prizes while he was alive? Explain.

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2022

Documentary: A day in the coldest region on Earth

Life conditions for some human beings are really tough. This is the case of the people who live in Yakutia, the coldest region on Earth. Click on the video below to learn about what a day in a family is like. Then, read the questions and leave your answers in a comment as usual.
1. How does the family adapt to the cold temperatures? Explain what Arian, his father and his mother do. 2. Are there many differences between Arian's school and your school? Explain. 3. What is Arian's father job? Why is his job important? 4. What did Arian buy at the local shop? 5. In your opinion, what was the most unexpected or strangest thing that you learnt from life in Yakutia? 6. Would you like to visit Yakutia? Justify your answer.

domingo, 2 de octubre de 2022

Useful videos

Are you constantly learning about new things? Are you interested in curious information about astronomy, history or biology? If so, this post is for you. In the UK, children and teenagers learn a lot thanks to some short videos which include relevant data. I've chosen three of them for you to learn as well. Click on them and then answer the questions below. Leave your answers in a comment as usual!
1. Did you know about the information included before watching them? Which one did you find the most interesting? Why? 2. In your opinion, are they more suitable for primary or secondary students? 3. Summarise the most important things that you have learnt from them.

sábado, 20 de agosto de 2022

Summer songs

Hi there! I hope you are enjoying your summer holidays by the seaside! If not, I suggest that you listen to these summer songs to get into the season's mood! But beware of summer songs: They are so catchy that you won't get them out of your head easily! Did you know all of them? Which one is your favourite? Would you like to add any others to this list? Does a summer song remind you of a place, person or time? Leave your answers in a comment as usual! See you soon!

sábado, 4 de junio de 2022


 This new post focuses on connectors. They are perfect to improve your essays. Click on the video below to learn more about them. Remember to include them whenever needed. In your comment, leave a writing including at least 5 of them.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2022

Queen's Elisabeth II Platinum Jubilee


Next June 2022, Queen Elisabeth II will be celebrating the 70th anniversary of her becoming queen. It's an extraordinary event because no other British queen or king has ever done this! I suggest you to click on the link below to find out  everything about this historic anniversary and remember to leave your results after doing the exercises in a comment. God save the Queen!

viernes, 22 de abril de 2022

All About ...

Tomorrow we'll be celebrating the World Book Day once again, this time I suggest you to choose one of the following titles to learn about the culture of some of the most important English speaking territories. Click on the links to download the Website Activities, complete them while reading and then send me the Progress check summary. I hope you'll like them!

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2022


Are you a K-pop fan? Why do you think this genre is so famous nowadays? Click on the link below and do the exercises provided.Leave your results and your opinions in a comment as usual! https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/how-do-you-become-k-pop-star