martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

The Great Houdini

Do you like magic? If so, you may have heard about " The Great Houdini". He was the first escapist ever. To know more about his life and career, click on the link below and then answer the questions in your comments.

The Great Houdini

1. What was Harry Houdini real name? Why did he choose that name?
2. What were his jobs to help his family?
3. What were the most famous escape tricks?
4. Apart from magic, what other interests did he have?
5. How did he die?

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2015

Trinity College Exam

If you are thinking about doing the Trinity College Exam this year, you will have to take some practice. In the link below there are examples of exams for B1 and B2, both for the Reading and Writing test and for the Speaking and Listening test. I hope you find this useful. Good luck with your exam!

Trinity Exam Samples

domingo, 8 de noviembre de 2015

The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings is one of the most famous stories of English literature, but how much you really know about this fantastic books. Click on the link below and answer the questions you will find about the books, the films and other curious details.

The Lord of the Rings