miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012

Modal verbs

 Learning how to use the modal verbs correctly is not a piece of cake, but with some practice and common sense you'll be able to cope with them. Follow the links below and leave your results as usual.

Modal Test 1
Modal Test 2
Modal Test 3
Modal Test 4

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Famous games

 Almost everybody knows about the famous game " Angry Birds" because it has been downloaded by millions of people around the world. If you want to learn more about the future of this type of games, just click on the link below and leave the answers to the questions.
Angry birds and its sequel

1. What is the name of the new game that will be released next summer?
2. How much money did the Spanish developers receive for the idea?
3. What does the game consist of?
4. Why did Rovio like the game? Give two reasons.
5.What other iPhone application did Llopis create? What does it consist of?

miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012

Present perfect

We use the present perfect tense to talk about our experiences in life, to emphasize we continue doing an activity we began in the past or to show the result of an action. In any case, the best way to learn it, is to get some practice. Follow the links below and leave me your results.
Present Perfect- Easy
Present Perfect - Yet and Already
Present Perfect or Past Simple
Song U2 - I still haven't found what I'm looking for

martes, 15 de mayo de 2012


Tomorrow we'll be enjoying a new Moving On theatre production. The name of the play is " With a little bit of Luck". We all need some luck in our life, but what may bring you good luck in Spain is not exactly the same as it is for British people. Read the following text and select the superstitions that appeared on the play. Include your opinion about the play in your comment!

BLACK CATS – Black cats have traditionally been related to superstitions. Many people associate these animals with witches and black magic and for this reason they appear to have some type of magical powers. In Britain, seeing a black cat that crosses the path in front of you is considered good luck. In Spain this is considered bad luck.
RABBITS – Rabbits’ feet are considered good luck in Britain. People often carry one on a key ring, in their pocket or in their car.
MAGPIES – In Britain, seeing magpies is considered a sign of things to come. There is a rhyme that explains what will happen in the future depending on the number of Magpies you see:
1 for sorrow,
2 for joy,
3 for a girl,
4 for a boy,
5 for silver,
6 for gold,
7 for a secret,
Never to be told.
LADDERS – Walking under a ladder is considered bad luck in most countries. The reason is probably very logical if you consider that if you walk under a ladder something may fall on your head.
HORSESHOES – A horseshoe is traditionally considered good luck. Some people say the horseshoe must have the open end at the top, and others say it must have seven nails in it.
MIRRORS – Breaking a mirror brings seven years bad luck.
CLOVER – Finding a four leaf clover brings good luck. A four leaf clover is very rare and probably you have to be very lucky to find one.
WOOD – Touching wood brings good luck in many countries.
SKY – In Britain the colour of the sky is considered a prediction about the weather for the future. There is a rhyme, which varies from place to place, and reflects the prediction:
"Red sky at night; shepherd’s delight. Red sky in the morning; shepherd’s warning."

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012

Madame Tussauds London

Madame Tussauds is a great tourist attraction for people visiting London. It is located in Central London in a former planetarium building.  It is famous for recreating celebrities in wax. It was the first Madame Tussauds museum opening in 1884. If you want to learn more about this famous museum, click on the link below and find the answers to these questions. Leave your answers in a comment!
Madame Tussauds London

 1. How much is an online advanced ticket for an adult?
 2. What cultural figures can you see at the museum?
 3. Who was Madame Tussauds? Tell details about her life.
 4. What famous characters have got a wax figure at Madame Tussauds?
 5. Where can you find other Madame Tussauds museums?

miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

Mother's Day

In a few days, people in Spain will be celebrating a new Mother's Day, but there are some differences and also some similarities. Click on the link below and leave the answers to the questions in a comment.

Mother's Day

1. When is Mother's Day in the U.K. this year? And in Spain ?
2. What are the most popular presents for mothers in the U. K. ?
3. What do people put inside a Mother's Day basket?
4. What types of chocolates can you buy nowadays?
5. Where can you find a Mother's gift voucher?