lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Word Order and Word Formation

Word order mistakes are very common when learning English, so it's a good idea to do some exercises to check if you have got problems or not.On the other hand, word formation exercises can help you to enlarge your vocabulary. Click on the links below, get some practice and then leave your results in a comment !

Word Order sentences
Order in adjectives
Word Formation

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Saint George

Today people in England celebrate their national day. There are a lot of different stories about his life and his influence in British tradition. Follow the link below and find the correct information to answer these questions.
Saint George

1.  Who was George at Roman times? What do we know for certain?
2.  How is Saint George's banner?
3.  What book popularised the legend of Saint George and the dragon?
4.  What do Scouts have to do on the 23rd of April?
5.  In which other countries do people celebrate Saint George's Day?
6.  What professions have got Saint George as patron?

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Pancakes recipe

Sunday is a great day for learning how to make delicious American pancakes. If you want to try, just click on the video below and enjoy them at breakfast or tea time! Your task will be writing down the ingredients in a comment or leaving your favourite recipe for me! Enjoy your meal!

sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

The Pronunciation Poem

The pronunciation of the English language is one of the most complex parts when learning new vocabulary. There are some pronunciation rules that can help us but still there are a lot of exceptions as well. That's the reason why we have to check the pronunciation in a dictionary. Click on the video below to learn the pronunciation of some common rhymes and the exceptions. Don't worry if you make pronunciation mistakes, just learn the correct pronunciation and you'll improve little by little. In your opininon, what are the English words with the most complex pronunciaton? Leave me your comments!

domingo, 15 de abril de 2012


On April 10, 1912, the Titanic embarked on its maiden voyage, sailing from Southampton, England, to New York City. One of the largest and most luxurious passenger liners at the time, the Titanic was also considered by many to be unsinkable. On April 14, however, the ship struck an iceberg, and early the next day it sank. About 1,500 people perished. Because of the tragedy, the Titanic became the best-known ship in the world, capturing the public imagination and inspiring popular books and movies. But there are a lot of unknown details about this true story. Click on the link below and leave me the answers to the questions in a comment!

1. What were the nicknames of the Titanic?
2. What did the first-class passengers have for dinner that night?
3. Why did the ship have only 20 lifeboats instead of 48?
4. How many pets were rescued from the Titanic?
5. What were the most luxurious facilities of the ship?

Titanic Trivia

sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Singing in the rain

This movie clip belongs to the American film " Singing in the rain". It's a musical film from the year 1952, starring Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds. It tells the story of a group of artists who have to adapt themselves from being in silent films to acting in talk movies.It is considered one of the best musicals ever made and it appears in a top position in the list of the 100 best Hollywood films.

How about you? What is your favourite film? Can you write a short paragraph giving details about it? If so, leave me a comment!